Slather on the Leftovers
Posted by Donna Airoldi on November 22, 2006Want a taste of the delectable dishes that many of us will be gorging ourselves on this weekend but don't want to blow your diet? Consider an "edible" spa treatment instead. While certain products from the kitchen found their way to the spa years ago--most notably chocolate--here are a few other options to satisfy your nose without getting your waist all bent out of shape.
* Maple Sugar Body Scrub. Have you seen a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth's syrup lately? She's not exactly svelt. But this treatment at the Topnotch Spa at Topnotch Resort and Spa in Stowe, Vt., will make you feel swell all over. Your entire body is polished with a scrub made of real maple sugar sapped from the Butternut Farms near the resort. The treatment is one of 120 offered at the spa, and includes an application of homemade maple cornmeal soap. (800) 451-8686,
* Banana Leaf Body Wrap. So you don't score a bunch of bananas in a row playing the slots in Vegas this weekend. You'll feel like a winner after treating yourself to this tropical fruit sensation at the newly opened Qua Baths & Spa at Caesars Palace. Incense burns while you receive a floral footbath prior to the wap. An Ayurvedic head and scalp treatment relaxes and envigors at the same time. End with a swirling Liqueur bath, blended from the Qua's signature liqueur. (866) QUA-0655,
* Nutmeg Pumpkin Body Wrap. Ever wonder what happens to all those leftover innards that don't get baked into scrumptious Thanksgiving pumpkin pies? At the Estrella Spa in Viceory Palm Springs, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds get slathered onto guests, who are then wrapped in pumpkin nutmeg with a touch of cinnamon. The body is then polished off with coconut oil and vanilla extract. (866) 891-0948,
What a way to give thanks! Happy eats everyone.