APEX - Something for Exhibits
While much of the work around the APEX initiative has been focused on meeting planners and hotels, there is great benefit for those working in the exhibit industry as well.
What’s In It For Exhibit Organizers:
- Ease in the bidding process and providing work orders saves time and frustration
- Ease of ordering for exhibitors (catering, utilities, A/V) saves time and assists in accurately meeting their needs
- Truncated negotiations with suppliers/hotels/facilities
- Get a better grasp of the value of an event to a city and venue by using the PER
- Get a better handle on the attendees and what they are contributing to the overall value of an event
- Being able to better access venue specification allows faster, easier site selection and enhanced efficiency and productivity in event planning and implementation
- Accurate information that doesn’t have to be re-typed or re-entered gives more time to provide personal service
What’s In It For Service Contractors:
- Proper use of the information will add efficiency and reduce cost while supporting cross communication with facilities
- The ability to transmit and receive data in a standard format simplifies planning and aids in understanding of info and implementing it
- Apply the accepted practices in “booking forms,” ID Signs and updates to them, utility and other forms from facilities, and service manual forms
- A database of accurate information for pre-planning of production
- A savings in T&E would result from accuracy that allows for production efficiency and cost savings
- You could find the information you need without at visit (e.g. marshalling yards, docks, building dimensions, utility capacity, etc.)
- A standard format assures apples to apples bidding and minimizes confusion
- Affords ability to better determine the value of business
How soon will this be in place?
Posted by: J Boyce | August 20, 2006 at 12:37 PM
..hmmm! i guess it will be an easier process for all sales managers to get the room blocks clients need.
Posted by: Juno888 | May 21, 2007 at 01:25 AM