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Home Run Results: The New Measure of a Successful Meeting

Posted on September 06, 2006

By Cal Wick

Imagine two senior leaders talking three months from now about the meeting you produced for them. Imagine that one says to the other, “That meeting has had more practical impact on improving our results here more than any other meeting we have ever held like it.”  Imagine the value to your business if the buzz on the street is that, compared to everyone else your meetings, yours have more back home impact.

Here are three tips you can use to cause this to happen:

1.        In the very early stages of planning the meeting, ask your clients what are the most important on the job outcomes and impact they are looking for.  Most of us in the meeting business are so focused on the meeting itself that we never take enough time to understand the real value our customer is trying to create.

2.        Once you know what your customer wants in terms of business outcomes, offer your customer best practice examples from other meetings you have seen have real impact rather than just entertainment.  Talk about how best practice companies deliver for application and drive follow-though on the job.

3.        Plan your part of the meeting value chain so that it is part of the process so that it will alert, facilitate, communicate, and accelerate the transfer and application of learning and help attendees keep their commitments.

Here is a question to think about or better even post a reply:  What have you seen great clients or companies do that helps turn a great meeting into great business results.

The next Blog will share how to turn the production of back home results into a new revenue stream


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