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A bit of frustration

Posted on October 05, 2006

I missed yesterday. I am frustrated both at myself and at the pace necessary to perform in today's world in our industry.  Where did the day go.  It was 6 pm before I realized it and as I set at my desk, nothing creative came to me.  So I went home.

I am not used to "giving up". I am not used to not performing.  I am frustrated.

So I had an opportunity to think a bit on the 27 minute drive to work this morning.  Why did I not perform? Why did I lose my creativity?

These are my thoughts.

I recently read an article about people who think they have Alzheimers. The author had data that suggested that many people who think they have Alzheimers actually only have information overload. Information overload can cause confusion and forgetfullness.

Obviously if one ages, enjoys change, and continues to learn, they continue to pack in information. It appears that the more information, the more difficult to sort, process, recall, etc.

Those of us looking for excuses for "senior moments" find comfort in this theory.

As I am typing, I find evidence of my brain rushing.  I am typing letters at the end of a word that belong at the begining of the next word. I am typing letters twice.  I think these are examples of "overload".

But among my thoughts as I drove were those focusing on my recent experience of reviewing applications for the CMP exam. The process for evaluating applications includes a second and even third look at applications that are rejected.  As a CMP board member representing ACOM, I have the opportunity to review rejects. What a learning opportunity.

I found applications that had words misspelled. I found calculations of numbers that were not correct. I found lack of backup proof of claims of education and continuing education. I found lies.Based upon the work experience of the indivudals, I can assume they are young people.

I have to ask, what exists in these individuals lives that would cause them to forget to include documentation, to not correct math errors, to not catch typing errors? Is it overload? Has technology allowed them to have access to so much information that they have reached a point similar to where I am in my recall, forgetfullness, and making errors? At their age?

Anyone have the answers?


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Joan Eisenstodt

Good questions Keith - and there are multiple discussion points, tho' I fear no "answers."
1) It's not just younger people - tho' the applications you've reviewed may be. I think that people in general are sloppy about what they write, post, send, etc. I am stunned at the contracts I receive to review - supposedly "stock" contracts w/ misspellings, typos, irrelevant information and more. I am convinced that people don't read what they are sending.
2) Overload: OY can I agree on that! If it weren't for plane trips, I'm not sure how I'd ever get all I want to read read. The demands - internal and external - on us and our time and intellect are too many. We don't take or can't find time to get it all done.

Are there answers? I'll be curiuos to see who else has answers, questions and comments.

Thanks for your writing this week. As someone who knows and loves you for many reasons, I am glad others are experiencing your intellect and curiosity.


It's definately not Alzheimers or a "senior moment" - the very same issues (beginning the next word too soon or double typing words) happen to me more often than I would like to say. At 32 years, I'm hoping that I am still far away from Alzheimers.

By the way, you forgot an apostrophe on "individuals" in the last paragraph.

Happens to us all regardless of age!

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