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Tips for Team Success

Posted on November 09, 2006

By Brian Kathenes

Here’s the “Reader’s Digest” version of 11 critical elements of developing a high-performance work team in your organization.    Drop me a comment on this blog and we’ll expand on each element.   Best, Brian Kathenes

• Define the objective   
• Agree on the objective
• Generate a plan   
• Establish a system for meeting objectives and priorities
• Assign and agree on roles and responsibilities
• Determine how you can support the team and the project
• Consider the Big Picture   
• Create a time table and monitor your progress
• Expect the best --- prepare for the worst
• Deliver on time with high quality and outstanding service
• Hold a post-project meeting to discuss what went right and what can be improved next time.  Focus on systems, team work, and the process -- then move to logistics and specific elements of the project. 


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Brian Kathenes

Team Trainer Marketing:

If you are a team trainer, a big part of that job is marketing your services, both internal and extrenal.

You need to tot your own horn.

Explain the benefits (not the featrues) of successful teams.

Use testimonials, case studies, and success stories.

If you don't promote the team concept in your organiziation who will?

Best, Brian

Team Building Scavenger Hunts

Another way to improve team success is team building exercises. They can really improve productivity and cohesiveness.

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