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Celebrate Your Accomplishments!

Posted on April 30, 2007

By Bonnie Wallsh, CMP, CMM

“Growth depends on abandoning some lines and types of business in pursuit and acquisition of other more productive lines of business. Growth is not just financial. It includes broadening experiences, higher-level contacts, more sophisticated work, and an enhanced reputation.”
Million Dollar Consulting The Professional’s Guide to Growing a Practice
Alan Weiss, McGraw Hill

Congratulations! You’ve reached your one year anniversary as an entrepreneur. Celebrate your accomplishments and evaluate what factors contributed to your success. What unexpected challenges did you face? What changes would you like to make to take your business to the next step? Have you reached your projected goals in building your client base and meeting your financial target? Which clients are bringing in the most income? What opportunities are there to expand services to your best clients? Who is most demanding of your time? Which clients are toxic and would best be referred to your competitors? You must be profitable to continue in business. Increasing your revenue while cutting your overhead costs will improve your profit. When you start your business, you may be willing to take any piece of business that brings in money. As money comes in, you are in a better position to choose what clients you want to work with. Not all business is lucrative.

“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not the one that has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act."                                                                      
Psycho-Cybernetics, Dr. Maxwell Maltz

As I’ve grown my business, I learned how invaluable it is to have mentors and business coaches. Sometimes, we are so closely involved with our business that we need someone else to provide a clear perspective on what risks to take. I’ve worked with several coaches over the last years and each offered different perspectives. It is important that you seek someone who you trust implicitly. In addition, I’ve formed a business support group of five women entrepreneurs. We meet regularly as an advisory board for each other and three of us are collaborating as a joint venture on a conference that will be held in fall 2008. The group is invaluable in stepping back and analyzing the direction each of our business will take. We also evaluate the benefits of our association memberships, leadership opportunities, and educational programs to improve our skills.

My business has shifted to include more teaching and training compared to meeting management. I am learning that it is profitable to follow my passion.

"Life is full of insurmountable opportunities."


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