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Tax Breaks for Job Hunters

Posted on November 30, 2007

By Dawn Penefold

Looking for a job is a taxing experience on a number of levels. But there is some good news in one very unlikely area — there are actually tax breaks for those conducting a job search. Expenses are deductible if you itemize - to the extent that they exceed 2 percent of your adjusted gross income - and only when you are looking for working the same field as your prior job. Covered expenses include resume printing, postage, search related phone calls, airfare, car rentals, gas and lodging if you have to travel out of town on your search.

Remember, expenses are deductible even if you don't get the job. Talk to your accountant about deducting internet costs. The jury is still out on this one.


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Job Search Engines

Wow! I had know Idea these things were deductable. Is there a place online to get a full list of deductions?

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