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March 16, 2006



Carrie--that is a great pet peeve (in as much as pet peeves can be great). I agree--I don't like the feeling of being prisoner to e-mail as the only means of communication with someone. I think the best signature lines are those with a phone number, e-mail, and a URL where I can learn more about the company.

Carrie M.

I wholeheartedly agree on this post, but thought I would add a peeve of mine as well.

Emails that don't include signatures (contact details) at the bottom of them.

I find it unprofessional when people don't include them and then indicate to contact them with any questions you may have.

As a courtesy you should always include them even when replying. It gives the appearance that you have invested time in them and it also gives the person receiving them the option to contact you by phone if you prefer face to face.

Just my two cents....

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