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April 17, 2006


Will Dettmering

Trust me. I worked for the world's largest corporation and they had the loftiest morality code ever written. However, in the day-to-day activities, the management and higherarchy screwed customers & stock holders alike.

When I continued my challege to these practices I was ostriciszed as "not being a team player."

But, my superior performance kept me off of the imediate firing line. They continued an onslaught of barriers, problems, smear campainges and personal attacks to try to get me to quit.

Finally, they fired me with a series of "trumped up" excuses. When I would not except their payment for signing a "voluntary separation" agreement, they called my wife and harrassed her.

It was a bitter lesson learned. But, I am a much happier and wiser person. The company is nearing bancrupcy.

Scott Hornstein

I think there are 3 levels of scrutiny for any decision - does it make business sense? Is it ethical? Is it moral? Too often we settle too easily


On the list mentioned above are two of my favorites, including "Freakonomics" and "Who Moved My Cheese?" I plan to read "The World Is Flat" this summer. Has anyone read it? What do you think?

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