When you get your credit card statement, look at the return envelope. See that extra flap that you have to tear off before you can or you can't seal the envelope? It's called a bangtail. And it it's been around since day one. I remember discussing it at a convention, back in the Stone Age. Like the alligator, shark or coelacanth, the bangtail has survived to the modern day largely intact.
In my experience, it's most often used to promote product, sometimes as a continuity program. The bangtail copy calls to me:
- Sets Itself and Never Forgets
- Inviting Allure, Exciting Appeal
- No Bulbs to Change, Use Almost Anywhere
- Hear Your TV Clearly At An Increased Sound Level, Without Disturbing Anyone Else in the Room
- Collector's Tin Also Included
I have no idea as to the derivation of the word. Answers.com suggests (with a slight clarification by me) that a bangtail might be either:
- A racehorse
- A detachable extension to the back of an envelope, having a perforated edge and special marketing information and/or an order form
One printer I found has a special version called the "inside" bangtail envelope, which "offers an additional panel that is hidden until the recipient employs a strategically placed pull-tab."
One printer's Web site devotes an entire article to the bangtail--its uses and place in history.
And its place in history is this--the little sucker continues to work. Perhaps there's a lesson. Maybe there are some things that are as old as the hills and still work just fine. Maybe we can all learn from that.
For any folks invested in more and better resident contribution, that is a knock back, i believe. But strangely enough, the newest one-pager Can involve many responsibilities around consultation.
Posted by: Belstaff Jackets | November 25, 2011 at 08:37 PM
He hopes to draw a contrast with Republican lawmakers, who have been accused by Democrats of intransigence.
A speech Obama delivered in April laying out broad principles for deficit reduction marked his entry into the debt limit negotiations that have now gone down to the wire.
Republicans have faulted him for declining to lay out a detailed plan.
Posted by: Hermes | July 29, 2011 at 12:05 AM
Throughout the saga, Obama has sought to portray himself as the "adult in the room" by emphasizing his willingness to compromise as he and his aides have issued grave warnings about the need to strike a deal to head off an economic catastrophe.
Posted by: Burberry Handbags | July 29, 2011 at 12:02 AM
What is the name of the farm? Question like these from the curious minds of the customers should be answered.
Posted by: hollywood bistro | July 12, 2011 at 01:10 PM