Back in August, the S&MM SoundOff started posting reader's blog posts -- now, we want more! We want to hear more of what you have to say about today's current sales, marketing, and management topics.
Have a fail-proof sales strategy, think management needs to change its focus, or is that new commercial really not hitting the mark in your opinion? We want to know about it. We’ll select one lucky reader’s submission each week to be posted. It's time to sound off and start blogging today!
Write. Submit. Be Heard.
(Submissions should be approximately 200-500 words in length. Selections based on datedness of ideas and topic appropriateness. Personal contact information will be used for editorial purposes only. Please refrain from naming specific people and companies when relating personal experiences. Submissions promotional in nature will not be considered. Deadline for submissions each week is Friday at 5pm. Selected entries will be posted the following week. Winners will be notified by email. )
Be sure to check out the topics others are sounding off on and share your comments on the blog, S&MM Sound Off.