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April 30, 2007


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Wonderful page may make endless growth, with thanks present, all the build up about skills can be to keep on getting to know, curiosity is normally the start of immense success.

Bob Deed

I believe that someone on the internet converted Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address into a Powerpoint - it lost something in translation into bullet points!

Jon Moon at www.jmoon.co.uk/ has good advice on livening up presentations.

Graham Wilson

Dave Paradi says: "What sales teams need is PowerPoint effectiveness training so they know what works and why it works." I couldn't disagree more strongly. The person who relies on reading their own words off a powerpoint slide simply doesn't have confidence in themselves. They don't need PowerPoint training, they need psychotherapy.

Dave Paradi

While almost everyone agrees that the problem is widespread, there are not a lot of solutions being offered for sales professionals. Technical training in PowerPoint is a waste of time since it focuses on "click here, click there". What sales teams need is PowerPoint effectiveness training so they know what works and why it works. Then they can apply best practices to their sales presentations.

Edgar Valdmanis

Couldn't agree more. This subjetc is being discussed more and more, so let's hope some presenters start reading these articles and blogposts soon.

Enrique Burgos

I'm absolutely agree with your post. I'm tired to beeing an assitant to this kind of 12 point presentations conferences, where the "expert" arrives, read the slides, and leaves...I reccomend you a post of Guy Kawasaki Blog, where explains the 10-20-30 rule of Powerpoint. Very useful and practice.

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