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May 17, 2007


Peter Cohen

I’m 100 percent in Tom’s camp on this one. Having spent way too many years working for and with technology companies, I was often struck by that industry’s desire to take a common-sense task – say, keeping all your prospects’ phone numbers in one place – and automate it, manage it, scale it, and then complicate it.

Of course, a lot of these “solutions” didn’t work because none of the users were trained. And most of the target audience only wanted the basic set of features, so companies were put off by the fact that they spent wads of money to buy a sophisticated CRM package only to learn that most users were using it as a Rolodex, and not much else.

To add onto Tom’s suggestion that we move toward Customer Experience Training, I suggest that the best people to lead that training are customers who leave a store without buying anything or take sales call after sales call without every buying. Get them to tell you what’s wrong with your customer experience or your communication style, and then you’ll have something to manage.

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