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June 08, 2007


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Wonderful page may make endless growth, with thanks present, all the build up about skills can be to keep on getting to know, curiosity is normally the start of immense success.

TJ McCue

I agree with Enrique and you, Edgar. Outrageous. Foolish on the employer's part.

I guess there is a small expectation that IF the employer paid for an account for the employee, they would be entitled to that account detail. The better way to go about it would be for the employer to simply get a printout of all the people on the LinkedIn account and those that were specifically related to the company, they could keep contacting.

Otherwise, if they didn't pay for the account -- i'd let them try to take me to court over it. 24/7/365 is right. You and I have shared messages at midnight, Edgar, so clearly the employer is off base in claiming someone's outside database.

Enrique Burgos

I cant believe it! Give your login details of anyplace! this is absolutely ilegal, sure, i'm not a legal expert, but is like given them your email password or your credit card pin code...
I agree with you with all the 24/7/365 stuff, nowadays we are blackberry 24/7 connected to work...amazing

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