Good leadership makes a difference in the lives of followers. Strong leadership is indicative for Organizations success. Quality and leadership are co-related when we look at governance. How can we discern quality leadership?
Quality leadership entails the following process:
1. Training
2. Education
3. Experience
4. Self-improvement
5. Effective communication
6. Be a good listener
7. Empower staff
8. Celebrate success
Training encompasses knowledge gain over a period of time, which consists of both classroom and on the job training. Additionally, a leader needs to be in charge of his learning organization by being a role model to followers. Training is important in setting the stage for organization growth and well-being. Workers are more likely to stay with their employees when proper training is place according to research studies.
Education is part of good leadership whether it is on the job training or lesson learned over a period of time. What a leader brings to the table in reference to education will assist the organization in changing times. Education is also at the heart of change. It allows leaders to make executive decisions using different processes.
Experience is important in quality leadership. Every leader needs an opportunity to develop quality leadership skills. This experience is gained over a period of time. Experience allows leaders to deal with different situations as they arise.
Self-improvement should be at the core of all leadership. A leader should always look for ways to improve his/her leadership. Leadership calls for self-improvement especially in our changing world. For a leader to be effective self-improvement should be at the top of his/her list.
Effective communication is critical to leadership. Leaders who know how to communicate with their followers get the job done than leaders who lack this basic skill. Communication sets the tone for the organization culture.
Be a good listener. Leadership calls for listening to followers. How can leaders solve issues if they don't listen to their followers.
Empower staff is important to quality leadership. Workers will feel as sense of self-worth when they are recognized for a job well done. There are different ways leaders can empower staff to progress on the job. For example, birthdays, newsletter, staff party, ice cream social and much more.
Celebrate success along the way is another way to keep the energy level high in organizations.
Annmarie Edwards
Energize Your Workforce Expert
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