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September 06, 2007


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Wonderful page may make endless growth, with thanks present, all the build up about skills can be to keep on getting to know, curiosity is normally the start of immense success.

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Wonderful page may make endless growth, with thanks present, all the build up about skills can be to keep on getting to know, curiosity is normally the start of immense success.

Don Antonucci

I recently discovered linkedin and have also found it to be a great tool as you've described. The ability to search for past colleagues and friends, along with the automated updated listing of new people joining linkedin (related to where you've worked or gone to school) is valuable. Great post.


Don Antonucci

Mark Hunter

I can't agree more with your comments. The first thing a new user should do is to search for people they used to work with at a previous employer. With that simple activity it's amazing how many people you can re-connect with.

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