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November 27, 2007


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bama has alternated between keeping a low public profile on the debt issue, as he did when Vice President Joe Biden led a series of meetings with lawmakers in May and June, to his more recent use of the presidential microphone with a series of news conferences and a televised address to Americans on Monday.


He hopes to draw a contrast with Republican lawmakers, who have been accused by Democrats of intransigence.

A speech Obama delivered in April laying out broad principles for deficit reduction marked his entry into the debt limit negotiations that have now gone down to the wire.

Republicans have faulted him for declining to lay out a detailed plan.

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he law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law. (Frederick Pollck, British jurist)

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You claim that there is a disconnect between savings and investment. That may occur in monetary terms, but not in capital terms. This does not imply that a commensurate amount of capital is siting idle. It instead means that those whose cash is not idle have a greater purchasing power. Thanks

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A client sent me this yesterday. It's a single, six-minute shot of a man walking along a road in what looks like Scotland, telling the story behind a brand. This clip is instructive on two levels. First, it's technically really impressive -- the timing is perfect, the delivery is terrific, and it's a masterful work of film making.

S. Kumar - 10 Sizzling Sales Letter Tools

Great perspective Paul...

"But as my market mentors taught me, if they treat the non-converters as motivated leads, they can dramatically boost their conversion rates"

How true it is!

Courteously -- S. Kumar

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