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November 19, 2007


tucson security

Take a "safety walk" with your children over routes they often travel. Help them understand how to avoid potential trouble.

TJ McCue

Hi Mona,
Great post. I couldn't agree more -- value your people. It is a common saying, but one that in our knowledge economy (and knowledge workers can be outsourced despite arguments to the contrary) can't be overlooked -- the value of your knowledge workers to the organization and to sales.

I do a lot of work helping execs get into social media environments and conduct blog aptitude assessments and i frequently find the best sales leaders are constantly learning, taking courses, listening to seminars (on their iPods), and striving to become better.

Are there other resources, beyond your own company, that you can point me to as well? I'd be interested to point people to these above as well as some others.

There is real strength in the one-to-one pitch and the customization that goes into it. Our company studies each prospect and looks for ways to open a dialogue based on sharing/giving something meaningful to the prospect first -- to get the relationship moving. There's so much hype and fluff out there we've found this to be a great way to open a door.

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