By Mona Piontkowski (
It's that time of year again when we must deal with Scrooge. You know Scrooge, the negative, bah-humbug individual who works in your office - possibly in the next cubicle - the one who moans and groans at the idea of a holiday grab bag or holiday party. The one who tries to take all the fun out of the holiday season. Just how do you get through it all - the extra stress the holidays put on us all - when having to face scrooge every morning?
The problem is, that even when the holidays are over, the decorations taken down, the parties a mere memory, Scrooge still comes to work every morning - spreading joy and unhappiness throughout the office. Darn that report is due today, why do I have to do it all, I think they pick on me...and so it goes from Scrooge.
Just how do you handle this type of individual - we've all met at least one along the way. How do we make lemonade out of this lemon we've been handed?
Dealing with Difficult People ( might just be able to help. This seminar gives tips on how to handle someone who is just plain difficult to get along with. Learn some handy tips that just may make this individual tolerable.
Managers have a particularly difficult time dealing with the office Scrooge. Lots of times Scrooge turns out to be the best worker - but every little thing that Scrooge accomplishes has to be bemoaned and whined about.
How to Deal With Unacceptable Employee Behavior: A One Day Seminar for Managers and Supervisors ( may provide some insight into how to diffuse unacceptable behavior and resolve it all so that everyone can get back to work.
And what if, oh no, it's Scrooge you see looking back at you in the mirror every morning. Moving Ahead: Breaking Destructive Behavior Patterns at Work ( may offer tips on how to get back in the game and might just save your job.
After all Scrooge comes in all shapes and sizes and more likely than not there's a Scrooge right around here somewhere!