By Mona Piontkowski,
We certainly live in a fast-paced world. It used to be days, even weeks before most of the nation learned who won the Presidental election. Now, everytime one of the candidates attends a rally, gives a speech or makes a misstep we hear about it immediately. And we all know that the minute we walk out of a store with the latest techno-gadget somewhere someone is developing one that will do more...faster and easier. How can we possibly keep up with it all?
In an age where daily newspapers are often outdated before they even go to press it is difficult for professionals to stay on top of their professions, i.e. be state-of-the-art. Of course you could look for a book in the bookstore - but by the time it is available the information will, most likely, be outdated. The Internet could be a good starting point for help - but then the information on many of those Internet sites is only as good as the person who posted it.
One industry, the training industry, has always tried to address problems as they develop. Seminars are developed overnight and are usually presented within days or weeks of a new technology, new problem or new idea. Seminar providers have jumped in to help indivduals and organizations solve problems as they crop up. As we are headed towards recession and the numbers of foreclosures increase Lorman Education has come up with a presentation, "Foreclosure and Repossession" ( and Sterling Education Services has "Foreclosure Procedures" ( Both of these seminars are directed towards attorneys and real estate professionals who must face this ever growing problem.
It has always been difficult for those in the health care profession to stay on top of it all. Cross Country Education and Therapy Network Seminars present a whole slew of programs directed towards health care professionals. "Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guiding Families through Acceptance, Understanding and Progress" ( from Cross Country Education assists health care providers in dealing with the current increase in autism cases in the US. Lorman Education presents " Individuals With Asperger Syndrome Or High Functioning Autism: Understanding Their Community And Educational Strengths And Needs" directed towards special education teachers, classroom teachers and parents.
It has always easy to find a seminar that explains the latest version of software as well as any new software that is developed. Seminars are probably the best way to stay on top of the latest release from Microsoft and others without having to try to work it all out for yourself. Some seminar companies who present these type of seminar include Learning Tree International, CompuMaster, Hands of Technology Transfer and Global Knowledge. You can find a quick one-day overview seminar or a week long in-depth coverage.
Seminars have always been there in the past - right after the horror of September 11th seminars were developed on disaster recovery for those firms who feared that they too might have to recover after a major impact on their business. Learning Tree International's "Disaster Recovery Planning: Ensuring Business Continuity" ( teaches businesses how to continue to function after a disaster either man-made or natural effects their business. CareerTrack Seminars developed "Emergency Planning and Disaster Management for Your Organization" ( that also addresses dealing with earthquakes, floods, fires, and computer issues such as hackers.
You can always find seminars that address common problems like stress and time management or help you brush up on skills like finance and accounting but now, more than ever, seminar providers are addressing issues as quickly as they develop. So next time you need a quick answer look for a seminar provider on the Internet or check out the local community college and you may find help is not very far away.