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September 02, 2008


mike mccue

Thanks, TJ. It just seems like such a natural, and if I want to complain when I get 100 emails/invitations/offers that aren't applicable, then I should at least point out those that really are worthwhile and can add value -- while still doing the right thing.

TJ McCue

Mike, this is an awesome post. I thought about creating a spoof website for trade editors, but... when i read the rest of your post i didn't want to just spout off.

Its cool to see something with real power, real value, kindness, and a great business angle to it. Hats off for sharing a link about a site with substance. I'm going to see if can't pick this up in my D&B blog at AllBusiness.com and in other biz communities where i'm active -- SmallBizTrends comes to mind as well.


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