When you make contact with a new prospect via the telephone you have an extremely short window of time to connect with them. If you fail to achieve this they will quickly tune you out. Here are five things you can do to lose their attention in the first five seconds of the conversation:
1. Start a telephone conversation with, “Hi, how are you?”
2. Open your conversation by introducing yourself, your company and what you do.
3. Give them an overview of your products and services.
4. Explain how your product or service will benefit them.
5. Tell them what other companies you have worked with.
The instant your prospect senses that you are trying to sell them something that they don’t need or want they will tune you out and look for a way to disengage or disconnect from the call.
Here is how you can change that:
State a specific problem they are likely facing (based on your experience or research). For example, “Mr. Big, if you’re like other companies in ABC industry, I suspect that you are (fill in the blank). If so, call me at 800-555-1212 and I might be able to suggest a solution. By the way, it’s Kelley calling and once again my number is 800-555-1212.”
Keep it brief. Keep it focused. Keep it about them. And you will keep their attention.
Kelley Robertson helps sales professionals reach their sales quotas and targets in any economy. Receive a FREE copy of 100 Ways to Increase Your Sales by subscribing to his free newsletter available at www.Fearless-Selling.ca. For information on his programs contact him at 905-633-7750 or by email.
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