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August 17, 2009


Paul Castain

I believe its important to realize when asking for a referral that they don't have us on the brain. In other words, they aren't thinking of who else would be a good fit for us so we need to help prompt that thinking by suggesting groups of people they know such as: folks they network with, other departments, friends etc

Paul Castain

Amit Jain

Building a referral based business is more difficult than it sounds and key additional things that one needs to consider are

a)What part of your services/value proposition help people grow in their jobs? this increases referenceability quotient

b)Timing for references sometimes have to lead the budget cycles. Its always right timing that helps close the deal faster

c)How can you provide your referral source/friend a way to connect you with his referral...leverage linkedin and twitter more effectively in getting your sources connect. it has worked for me.

My 2 cents....


Amit Jain

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