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March 08, 2010


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Everything from the initial contact to the presentation to the close to the follow-up is done from a sales perspective


I like that you think. Thank you for share very much.

Jim Mac

Dear Kelley,

I really appreciate your site. Thank you for your insights and guidance.

In the midst of the financial crisis, there's a lot of bashing and cynicism
towards performance recognition and inspirational efforts in the workplace.
Just check any bar in lower Manhattan! It's a shame.

As a VP leading over 100 salespeople, I've found that the hard fact
is that QUALITY performance recognition works. Not just for morale,
but in dollars. I have been using a couple of different tools to help me retain
good people and to inspire excellence in them, which = larger sales figures.
A#1 tool is a personal, elegant recognition concept called Design Your
Inspiration ( www.dyi.successories.com ) . Intelligent, customizable with
any words or great quotes you want to use (such as those on this very site).
All on framed art photography prints.

Again, the quality of these, and the MEANING emparted, makes them
highly effective for me. It has made an amazing difference! So while the
cynics shed tears in their beers, we're laughing all the way to the bank!
Thanks again. Jim

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