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January 12, 2007

What's Ahead For 2007

A great source for learning about topics and trends relating to training, is to read journals outside of the training circles in addition to training-focused magazines. A couple of my favorites are The Economist and Business Week. As I read through the recent issue of The Economist, "The World in 2007" I included below some of the perspectives on what is ahead for 2007 that will impact training:
  1. ...Meanwhile, the rest of the world - people who may be hearing the words "blog", "wiki", and "podcast" for the first time - will begin to use these new media as they become simple and ubiquitous, just as email became truly simple...people will gradually lose interest in mass media and defect to "personal" media and will also begin to participate as creators.   The Economist, The World in 2007.
  2. The Battle For The Best
    This coming year will see a dramatic escalation of the war for talent... A growing number of companies have been complaining that they are finding it harder to recruit people...The retirement of the baby-boom generation means that companies are about to lose lots of experienced workers...Companies will also have to grapple with the collapse of loyalty...This means that companies will have to invest yet more in various kinds of training...Expect companies to emphasize internal markets and rapid promotion for superstars.   The Economist
  3. Don't Bet Against The Internet
    The lesson is compelling; put simple, intuitive technology in the hands of users and they will create content and share it. The fastest growing parts of the internet all involve direct human interaction.  The Economist

As we evolve to learn more about the use of technology in training, those who observe what is happening across the Internet, can learn a great deal in creating learning opportunities and structures within their organizations. And what was amazing to me, was that the best advice for me came from The Economist magazine.

Michael McGinnis works in the Learning Services organization of Bose Corporation. His own blog is located at www.trainingonashoestring.com.


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it is very helpful to users..................

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