July 14, 2007

Training Blogs...All in One Place

Recently I was fortunate enough to be involved in the co-creation of a new training portal that includes many well-read blogs from the training blogosphere and related blogospheres. It was put together by myself and Steve Woodruff of Impactiviti. 


The portal includes the TrainingDay blog on the Learning and Development tab of the portal as well as dozens of other blogs of interest to people in our field.

It is designed to provide a quick snapshot of the latest that is happening on the various blogs and it is put together with the RSS aggregator PageFlakes which is a neat tool for providing a small snippet of many blogs with a little more detail than most aggregators.

If you have some time, check out TrainingBlogs and see if we missed any of your favorite blogs...if we did, let us know and we'll add them.

Karl Kapp is the Assistant Director of Bloomsburg University’s Institute for Interactive TechnologiesLogoggg_2 and a professor of instructional technology. See his own blog, Kapp Notes for information on the convergence of learning and technology. He is the author of the book Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning.